A record of the activities, quirks and issues that are Boulder Belt Eco-Farm of Eaton, Ohio
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Friday, June 20, 2008
Farm Pictures
The onions, garlic and leeks in the foreground and row covered crops (carrots, broccoli, beets, etc..) in the background. This is what you see first going up to the garden from the barn or store
Early tomatoes, about 2 weeks from being ripe. We transplanted these into a hoop house April 15th and it looks like we will have ripe tomatoes by July 4th. I believe these are Yellow Taxi, an heirloom that we have been saving seeds from for over 12 years
The raspberry beds looking north. we have around 300' of these things. two kinds latham (which is pictured in the fore ground) and heritage which you can kinda, sort of see in the distance. the latham are loaded with berries. I have never seen as many raspberries as we have. this is scary and exciting. as long as nothing major goes wrong (disease, hail, large flocks of fruit eating birds) we should have a bumper crop of berries to sell. The berries have been very very good so far this year and they have just started to ripen and the weather has been about perfect the past 5 days or so for raspberries and strawberries to develop the best flavor they can.
We have Heritage and Latham too. Heritage sometimes produces into November depending on the weather. It's incredible. I need to dig up runners and get them in a row and mulched soon so that they're ready for next year.
I keep looking at the first toms in my greenhouse and hoping but I don't think I'll have ripes til mid to late July. I learned this year that I can plant in there earlier next year.
It never gets dull does it? There's always something wonderful happening on a veggie farm.
Raspberries are doming in as I write this. They are nowhere near their peak yet but I am harvesting several 1/2 pints a day from about 20% of the Latham plants.
Great pics, thanks for showing those! I didn't realize Taxi was an heirloom. I grew it for a few years and it didn't like my conditions here, had to switch to Lemon Boy.
We have Heritage and Latham too. Heritage sometimes produces into November depending on the weather. It's incredible. I need to dig up runners and get them in a row and mulched soon so that they're ready for next year.
I keep looking at the first toms in my greenhouse and hoping but I don't think I'll have ripes til mid to late July. I learned this year that I can plant in there earlier next year.
It never gets dull does it? There's always something wonderful happening on a veggie farm.
OH.... I can't wait for raspberries!!
Raspberries are doming in as I write this. They are nowhere near their peak yet but I am harvesting several 1/2 pints a day from about 20% of the Latham plants.
Great pictures. Its nice to be able to see your farm (and hard work)!
Raspberries! My kids can hardly wait! :)
Great pics, thanks for showing those! I didn't realize Taxi was an heirloom. I grew it for a few years and it didn't like my conditions here, had to switch to Lemon Boy.
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