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Friday, January 06, 2012

12 Photos in No Particular Order

It's January 6th and the weather was clear and warm-an eventual high of 58F-and so we took a walk around the farm and i took some pictures
Shelf Fungus, some of which has been torn off the log it was on

A panoramic looking up the hill towards the market garden (i.e. north)

Another panoramic further down the hill and with some strangeness to it


An earthworm running around in January

The pond, it is frozen despite it being so warm

The grape arbor, so green in January

The remains of the turkey nest. it looks like 3 eggs died before hatching and there was another poult besides the two we found in August that must not have made it.

Green grass in the dead of winter. This time last year we had a lot of snow on the ground

An oocyst

1 comment:

Amy said...

Beautiful pictures, Lucy! This weather is very worrisome, but I must say the sunshine and warmth did me some good today!

Do you have trouble with deer on the farm? If so, how do you handle them?