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Friday, January 25, 2008

I Got Me a New Gold Tooth

For well over a year I have been dealing with getting an implant in my mouth. It all started with a badly infected tooth that also had a couple of cysts that was causing me all sorts of health problems such a sciatica and a lot of other inflammation. Tooth gets yanked in June of 2006 and my body almost instantly gets a lot better. See Baby Teeth for all the poop on the extraction.

After getting the tooth pulled I had a gaping hole in my lower jaw and Dave the dentist suggested I either get a bridge or an implant. So being the Taurus I am I did not make this decision quickly. I did a fair amount of on line research about my options and decided to go with the implant. In March of 2007 I finally got the implant process started. Went to Mark Silvers, the periodontist who removed the periodontal disease from my gums back in 1998/99 (I was 35 and had the mouth of a seventy year old woman). He drilled a hole in my lower jaw. This was not at all painful. He said my jaw was as hard as oak which was very good for an implant but made drilling a slow process. Inserted a titanium screw and sent me away to heal for 3 months and allow the bone to grow into the screw. I came back to be checked for healing and I was ready for step two which was to remove the hardware in my jaw and replace it with the things needed for the Veneer (the gold tooth). What I ended up with was a silver colored post with a phillips end.

I than lived with this metal shaft in my mouth until yesterday when my gold tooth was sized and cemented onto the metal shaft. And now for the first time since June of 2006 I have a tooth in that part of my mouth and it feels weird. It felt far weirder yesterday and by tomorrow it will be almost normal. For a variety of reasons I have not chewed much on the left side of my mouth for probably 4 years and I am finding I have to consciously chew on that side and tell my self it is no longer painful to do so.

I am glad I had this done even though it will take some getting used to and was not cheap

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