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Monday, December 26, 2011

Early Morning Surfing (and a recipe)

I was looking at blogs that have recipes for rutabaga kugel and found one that had a good recipe (or at least it sounds good and you can find this recipe here and noticed on this blog that they are protected by Copyscape. So I surfed over to their site and found I could check this here blog out for plagerism.

And I did

And I found that a lot of people are pulling the "12 Reasons to Eat Local and organic" from this blog. And that is just fine with me as  I pulled the list from the OEFFA web site (with their permission) years and years ago. and as far as I am concerned your all can continue to copy that list (though a link back here would be awful nice, if you do)

It was nice to know that no one is ripping off my photos or original writing and using it as their own (or at least I don't think this is happening. But than again, Copyscape only gives me 10 hits for free and there is a chance that if I bought their services I would find out all sorts of plagiarizing and copyright infringement has been done with this blog.

But I don't care enough to subscribe.

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